Hurm.. I am not a good in politician. Just ordinary person.
Perhaps.. When i did my job.. I need all done before I left..
But then.. Is not like I'm predict too.
If u are good employee... We should bully u and make sure all dirty works done by u.
Nak mintak nek pangkat kene downkan org.. Perlu ke?
Nak nek gaji.. Cantas orang... Perlu ke?
Nak dapat nama.. All mistake just finger point to u.. Perlu gak ke?
Yang aku belajar...
Kerja perlu jujur dan ikhlas...
Tak perlu bodek sana dan sini.. As long rezeki halal tu Allah redha...
Tapi sini.. Solat cukup memasing cuma hati jek yang berbeza...
Hurm.. If u can survive for working here..
Please prepare all those things...
Instead.. U heart and mental.. Make sure is strong enough before other people
Or seniority staff get opportunities to 'down' u anytime.
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