Hidup hakikatnya mempunyai dua sempadan – harapan dan ajal. Dengan harapan kehidupan terpelihara dan dengan ajal kehidupan berhenti
Clik For Money...TQ
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
~ Luahan tanpa suara dan tangisan...~
Banyak yang ingin di nukilkan tapi..
Cukuplah segalanya tersimpan dalam hati..
Biarlah segalanya di gengggam kemas...
Itu saja yang mampu di katakan...
Thursday, October 18, 2012
~ Nak bersara dari FC Blonde~
Dah lama fikirkan perkara nie...
Tiada siapa yang menghasut.. Keputusan sendiri..
Bukan sebab siapa-siapa atau apa-apa kejadian..
Cuma.. Rasa dah jauh hati..
Mungkin... Tahun nie.. Tahun terakhir dengan mereka...
Mungkin kalau main pun.. Sekadar suka-suka...
Insyaallah... Mungkin ini yang terbaik tuk semua..
Mungkin ini juga yang terbaik untuk ku...
Artikel ini aku copy paste dari GENTARASA..
Aku ambik nie.. Untuk peringatan aku sendiri.. Yang kadangkala berasa beban..
Dengan apa yang aku hadapi dalam kehidupan.
Semoga ianya jadik pengajaran bersama...
Jangan mencari keadilan yang mutlak di dunia ini. Terimalah hidup seadanya. Jadilah diri sendiri. Kita ubah yang mampu diubah, yang tidak mampu serahkan kepada Allah. Jika bahagia yang dicari, tetapi derita yang diberi… terimalah. Bahagialah dengan derita itu.
Manusia akan tersiksa oleh jangkaan dan harapannya. Allah ciptakan putaran hidup ini seumpama kitaran cuaca dan musim. Ada yang menikmati empat musim seperti Eropah. Ada yang kontang sepanjang masa umpama Sahara. Ada yang dingin memanjang seperti di Antartika. Kita hamba… setelah berusaha sehabis daya, pasrah dan menyerahlah. Carilah R&R dalam kembara hidup ini, di sanalah tempat kita berehat seketika… sebelum berehat selama-lamanya!
Jika ditakdirkan tidak kita temui sesuatu yang dicari di dunia ini, terimalah hakikat ia memang tidak ada. Di akhirat sana tempat ‘ada’ dan sempurna segala. Jika ‘langit’ hendak runtuh, masakan jari yang kecil ini mampu menahannya. Dalam setiap yang kita miliki, pasti ada jemu dan letihnya. Dalam setiap yang kita tidak miliki, pasti ada kesal dan sayunya. Jangan terlalu dalam segalanya. Jangan terlalu cinta, jangan terlalu benci. Jangan terlalu suka, jangan terlalu duka. Sederhana itulah yang selalu menyelamaktkan ‘hati’ kita.
Tidak ada keadilan yang mutlak di dunia ini. Semakin kita terima hakikat ini, hidup kita akan menjadi semakin tenang. Jika tidak, kita akan sentiasa rasa arah, kecewa, dipersenda dan ditipu oleh manusia lain dan keadaan. Sebaliknya, apabila kita mula menerima hakikat dunia memang tidak adil, maka hidup kita kan menjadi lebih tenang dan harmoni.
Mengapa di dunia ini tidak ada kedailan yang mutlak? Yang baik, tidak semestinya mendapat ganjaran dan balasan yang baik. Manakala yang jahat, acap kali terlepas dan bebas? Ya, inilah kaedah Allah menguji manusia, agar terserlah siapa yang benar-benar ikhlas berbuat kepadaNya dan siapa pula yang benar-benar meninggalkan kejahatan kerana-Nya jua. Inilah ujian iman.
Menerusi pengajian tauhid, yakni dalam mengenal sifat-sifat Allah, memang kita telah sedia maklum bahawa Allah swt akan memberi dan menunjukkan sifat keadilan-Nya secara mutlak dan tuntas di akhirat nanti. Manakala, di dunia ini Allah tidak menunjukkan sifat keadilanNya secara sepenuh dan menyeluruh sebagai ujian kepada orang-orang yang beriman kepadaNya.
Lihat bagaimana nabi Zakaria AS, Nabi Yahya AS dan beberapa nabi yang lain telah dibunuh oleh musuh-musuh kebenaran. Sekiranya kita sebagai suami, isteri, ibu-bapa, anak-anak, pemimpin, pengikut… menerima layanan atau balasan yang tidak adil, biasalah. Inilah hakikat dan lumrah hidup yang mesti ditempuh. Jangan mencari yang ‘serba kena’ kerana hidup dipenuhi oleh resam yang ‘serba tidak kena’.
Sekiranya kita berbuat baik kerana mengharapkan ganjaran, pembalasan dan ucapan terima kasih daripada manusia, tentu kita akan keewa kerana umumnya manusia memang tidak pandai berterima kasih apalagi untuk membalas budi. Memang, buat baik dibalas baik, tetapi bukan seua kebaikan dibalas di sini (dunia), ada yang Allah simpan di sana (akhirat).
Justeru, apabila Allah menyuruh manusia melakuan kebaikan atau meninggalkan kejahatan, Allah akan menyeru kepada manusia yang beriman dengan lafaz “Ya ayyuhal lazi na amanu – wahai orang yang beriman.” Begitu juga apabila Rasulullah saw menyeru untuk umatnya melakukan kebaikan, baginda sering memulakanya dengan berkata, “barangsiapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat hendaklah…”
Banyak hikmahnya mengapa Allah dan RasulNya berbuat demikian, salah satunya ialah untuk menunjukkan bahawa mereka yang mahu dan mampu melakukan kebaikan dan meninggalkan kejahatan dengan ikhlas, sabar dan istqamah hanyalah orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat. Yakni, mereka yang yakin bahawa Allah Maha melihat akan perbuatan itu dan membalasnya dengan ganjaran atau seksa yang setimpal.
Allah memujuk, Nabi Muhammad dan orang-orang beriman dengan firmanNya: “Dan janganlah engkau (wahai Muhammad) menyangka Allah lalai akan apa yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang zalim sesungguhnya Ia hanya melambatkan balasan mereka hingga ke suatu hari yang padanya terbeliak kaku pemandangan mereka, (kerana gerun gementar melihat keadaan yang berlaku).”
Impak daripada itu, manusia yang beriman akan menghadapi hidup ini dengan lebih tenang. Tidak banyak merungut, merengus dan marah-marah. Jika madu dibalas tuba, mereka mampu sabar dan redha. Apabila mendapat ‘limau masam’, mereka akan segera membuat ‘air limau’. Makna, sekiranya apa yang mereka terima sebagai balasan, tidak seperti yang diharapkan dan dijangkakan, mereka tidak ‘memberontak’, sebaliknya mereka mengubah hati, fikiran dan perasaan mereka untuk menerima apa yang telah berlaku itu dengan baik.
Apabila inginkan kejayaan, tetapi sebaliknya kegagalan yang berlaku… mereka akan berkata, “Tidak mengapa, kegagalan adalah yuran kepada kejayaan, kegagalan adalah ‘kejayaan’ yang ditangguhkan. Orang berjaya lebih banyak merasai kegagalan daripada orang yang gagal.”
Mereka tidak mengutuk orang lain, keadaan, diri mereka sendiri apalagi mempersalahan Tuhan. Mereka tidak akan menyesal dan kesal terhadap apa yang berlaku sebaliknya mencari tapak dan semangat baru untuk berusaha dengan lebih baik. Lalu dalam kamus orang berjaya sering tertera pengukuhan kata-kata ini: Kegagalan adalah peluang untuk memulakan semua dengan lebih baik!”
Oang yang telah menerima hakikat dunia ini tidak adil, tidak akan bemusuh dengan dirinya sendiri. Dia tidak mendera dirinya dengan kejam. Mengapa aku bodoh sangat? Mengapa aku lurus bendul? Mengapa aku boleh tertipu? Ini bukan langkah muhasabah yang membangunkan jiwa yang proaktif, tetapi satu ‘self sabotaging habit’ yang menyebabkan dirinya menjadi pasif, pesimis atau murung. Kemudian keburukan dari dalam diri itu akan meletus keluar menjadikan dirinya sebagai ‘toxic people’ yang bersifat aggresif, bersangka buruk dan marah-marah kepada orang lain.
Dalam surah Al Fatehah, Allah menegaskan bahawa Dialah Raja pada Hari Akhirat. Kalimat ini kita ulang-ulang baca pada setiap hari tidak kurang 17 kali. Semuga makna atau kehendak daripada kalimat ini meresap dalam minda sedar dan separa sedar kita, bahawa Allah akan menunjukkan kebesaran sifat Malik-Nya di akhirat, yang pada waktu itu tidak akan ada siapa yang berani mengangkat muka atau berkata-kata.
Di dunia ini, penjahat atau pelaku kemungkaran masih boleh mendabik dada dan meninggikan suara, kerana kuasa yang sementara. Dengan kuasa itu mereka menipu, menindas dan menzalimi dengan pelbagai taktik dan cara. Namun di akhirat nanti, mereka akan kaku, kelu dan membisu apabila Allah menunjukkan kebesaran dan keadilanNya. Di sana nanti barulah kebaikan akan mendapat ganjaran… bukan setimpal tetapi digandakan. Di sana jualah nanti kejahatan akan mendapat balasan… yang pedih, perit dan berganda.
Allah yang Maha Adil tidak mencipta dunia ini dengan serba adil untuk menguji manusia sejauh mana iman mereka kepada sifat keadilanNya! Agar dengan itu orang yang beriman rela ‘disusahkan’ kerana Allah dalam usahanya melakukan kebaikan dan meninggalkan kejahatan. Agar dengan itu, orang beriman akan berkata pada hatinya, “ wahai Tuhan, aku rela menerima kesusahan yang sementara dan sedikit di dunia yang serba tidak adil ini demi mendapat kesenangan yang abadi dan lebih baik di akhirat nanti!”
Sampai ke takah ini, sekiranya hati masih bertanya, “mengapa dunia ini tidak adil?” Jawabnya, “kerana Allah yang Maha Adil ingin menunjukkan keadilanNya di akhirat.” Ya, keyakinan kepada Hari akhirat sangat penting semasa hidup di dunia. Meletakkan sesuatu itu pada tempatnya, itulah erti keadilan. Hati orang beriman ialah hati yang adil. Dalam hati itu terpahat satu hakikat: Dunia tempat penat, di akhirat tempat berehat!
Ya, hidup selepas mati adalah tempat rehat daripada kepenatan daripada ujian hidup sebelum mati. Justeru, Rasulullah saw sendiri berdoa: ” Ya Allah, jadikanlah kematian tempat istirehat daripada segala keburukan dan kejahatan…”
P/S: Ada benarnya... Kadangkala bila terlalu mengajar kejayaan kita lupa akan nikmat yang sedia ada. Maka redha, bersabar dan bertawakal adalah perkara paling mudah untuk segalanya...
Thursday, October 11, 2012
~Resident Evil: Retribution~
Following where the previous film left off, Alice (Milla Jovovich) and the others on the Umbrella Corporation freighter Arcadia face an attack by a fleet of airships led by Alice's former ally Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory), who has been brainwashed by Umbrella through a red scarab device attached to her chest. When Alice causes an airship to crash into the ship, the resultant explosion knocks her out and throws her into the water.
The story then begins with a suburban housewife who appears to be Alice living with her husband Todd (Oded Fehr) — a clone of Carlos Olivera — and deaf daughter Becky (Aryana Engineer). However, this idyllic life is disrupted when zombies attack and kill Todd. Alice and Becky escape to the streets and are rescued by Rain Ocampo (Michelle Rodriguez), who lets them ride in her car. As the three escape, they are hit by a truck, knocking Rain unconscious while Alice and Becky escape. Alice runs and is attacked by a zombified Todd. It is later revealed that this "Alice" is actually a clone of Alice created by Umbrella for a virus outbreak simulation.
In the next scene, the real Alice awakens in an Umbrella base, having been captured at the Arcadia. Jill interrogates Alice, who unsuccessfully pleads with her to remember her true identity. During an unexpected power failure, Alice escapes from her cell. After battling a horde of zombies, Alice encounters Ada Wong (Li Bingbing), an associate of Albert Wesker (Shawn Roberts). Ada explains that she and Wesker no longer work for Umbrella. Wesker appears and, seeming to have redeemed himself, reveals that the Red Queen is now controlling what remains of Umbrella and he plans to aid Alice's escape and battle the base's programs, in order to save what's left of mankind. Ada also reveals that the base is underwater and serves as a testing ground for experiments. Additionally, Wesker has organized a team of freelance operatives to infiltrate the base and help Alice and Ada escape, including Leon S. Kennedy (Johann Urb), Barry Burton (Kevin Durand), and Luther West (Boris Kodjoe).
Leon's team plants explosives near the entrance of the base, which will detonate in two hours and trap anybody still inside. The group plans to meet with Alice and Ada in a simulated Raccoon City suburbia, identical to the one in Alice's flashback. As Alice and Ada walk through a simulation of New York City, they defeat two Axemen. Leon and his team enter a Moscow simulation, but are cut off by armed Las Plagas zombies. Alice and Ada manage to enter the suburban simulation where they were supposed to meet up with Leon and his team. In the arena the two find Becky, as well as Jill and her mercenaries, consisting of clones of Alice's deceased allies: Rain, Carlos and James "One" Shade (Colin Salmon). A shoot-out occurs, resulting in Ada being captured and Alice and Becky escaping.
Alice and Becky run into the "good" Rain and head to Moscow, where they meet up with Leon's team. The group escapes the intelligent zombies, and reach an elevator that leads them to submarines that could help them escape, although it shuts off. An enormous licker appears, with it capturing Becky and killing "good" Rain. The group pursues the licker, where they encounter Jill's group; another battle ensues, in which Barry is killed but not before he kills One. Alice manages to rescue Becky. During their escape from the licker they arrive at a cloning facility where Alice and Becky see multiple copies of themselves. Realizing this Becky pleads and asks Alice to tell her the truth, at which Alice declares that she is now her mother. The licker follows them into the cloning facility, where Alice drops grenades, and fires a grappling hook from the Grapple gun, and escapes the explosion. They rejoin Leon and Luther as the detonation occurs. The explosion results in the flooding of the facility and the death of Carlos.
The group reaches the surface; however, they are met by a submarine, from which Jill, the evil Rain, and a captured Ada emerge. With new orders from the Red Queen to kill Alice, Jill battles Alice while Rain, injecting herself with the Las Plagas parasite that gives her strength and apparent invincibility, knocks out Ada and fights Leon and Luther, with Luther being killed in the process. Alice manages to remove and destroy the scarab device from Jill, returning her to normal. Alice joins Leon in fighting Rain; she notices there are zombies from the facility swimming up to the ice. She shoots the ice where Rain is standing, and she falls in the water, leaving her fate to the zombies. Alice, Ada, Becky, Leon, and Jill (who is no longer being controlled by the Red Queen) travel to Wesker's base: the heavily barricaded and guarded White House. Wesker injects Alice with the T-virus, returning her former superhuman powers in order to enact his plan, then tells her that she is responsible for saving the remaining humans from extinction once and for all. Wesker then leads them up top of The White House, explaining that this is the last stand of the human race. The scene zooms out to reveal the landscape around them, showing destroyed Umbrella helicopters, volcanic craters and the remaining U.S troops and Wesker's Umbrella army fighting against enormous hordes of zombies and mutant creatures.
The story then begins with a suburban housewife who appears to be Alice living with her husband Todd (Oded Fehr) — a clone of Carlos Olivera — and deaf daughter Becky (Aryana Engineer). However, this idyllic life is disrupted when zombies attack and kill Todd. Alice and Becky escape to the streets and are rescued by Rain Ocampo (Michelle Rodriguez), who lets them ride in her car. As the three escape, they are hit by a truck, knocking Rain unconscious while Alice and Becky escape. Alice runs and is attacked by a zombified Todd. It is later revealed that this "Alice" is actually a clone of Alice created by Umbrella for a virus outbreak simulation.
In the next scene, the real Alice awakens in an Umbrella base, having been captured at the Arcadia. Jill interrogates Alice, who unsuccessfully pleads with her to remember her true identity. During an unexpected power failure, Alice escapes from her cell. After battling a horde of zombies, Alice encounters Ada Wong (Li Bingbing), an associate of Albert Wesker (Shawn Roberts). Ada explains that she and Wesker no longer work for Umbrella. Wesker appears and, seeming to have redeemed himself, reveals that the Red Queen is now controlling what remains of Umbrella and he plans to aid Alice's escape and battle the base's programs, in order to save what's left of mankind. Ada also reveals that the base is underwater and serves as a testing ground for experiments. Additionally, Wesker has organized a team of freelance operatives to infiltrate the base and help Alice and Ada escape, including Leon S. Kennedy (Johann Urb), Barry Burton (Kevin Durand), and Luther West (Boris Kodjoe).
Leon's team plants explosives near the entrance of the base, which will detonate in two hours and trap anybody still inside. The group plans to meet with Alice and Ada in a simulated Raccoon City suburbia, identical to the one in Alice's flashback. As Alice and Ada walk through a simulation of New York City, they defeat two Axemen. Leon and his team enter a Moscow simulation, but are cut off by armed Las Plagas zombies. Alice and Ada manage to enter the suburban simulation where they were supposed to meet up with Leon and his team. In the arena the two find Becky, as well as Jill and her mercenaries, consisting of clones of Alice's deceased allies: Rain, Carlos and James "One" Shade (Colin Salmon). A shoot-out occurs, resulting in Ada being captured and Alice and Becky escaping.
Alice and Becky run into the "good" Rain and head to Moscow, where they meet up with Leon's team. The group escapes the intelligent zombies, and reach an elevator that leads them to submarines that could help them escape, although it shuts off. An enormous licker appears, with it capturing Becky and killing "good" Rain. The group pursues the licker, where they encounter Jill's group; another battle ensues, in which Barry is killed but not before he kills One. Alice manages to rescue Becky. During their escape from the licker they arrive at a cloning facility where Alice and Becky see multiple copies of themselves. Realizing this Becky pleads and asks Alice to tell her the truth, at which Alice declares that she is now her mother. The licker follows them into the cloning facility, where Alice drops grenades, and fires a grappling hook from the Grapple gun, and escapes the explosion. They rejoin Leon and Luther as the detonation occurs. The explosion results in the flooding of the facility and the death of Carlos.
The group reaches the surface; however, they are met by a submarine, from which Jill, the evil Rain, and a captured Ada emerge. With new orders from the Red Queen to kill Alice, Jill battles Alice while Rain, injecting herself with the Las Plagas parasite that gives her strength and apparent invincibility, knocks out Ada and fights Leon and Luther, with Luther being killed in the process. Alice manages to remove and destroy the scarab device from Jill, returning her to normal. Alice joins Leon in fighting Rain; she notices there are zombies from the facility swimming up to the ice. She shoots the ice where Rain is standing, and she falls in the water, leaving her fate to the zombies. Alice, Ada, Becky, Leon, and Jill (who is no longer being controlled by the Red Queen) travel to Wesker's base: the heavily barricaded and guarded White House. Wesker injects Alice with the T-virus, returning her former superhuman powers in order to enact his plan, then tells her that she is responsible for saving the remaining humans from extinction once and for all. Wesker then leads them up top of The White House, explaining that this is the last stand of the human race. The scene zooms out to reveal the landscape around them, showing destroyed Umbrella helicopters, volcanic craters and the remaining U.S troops and Wesker's Umbrella army fighting against enormous hordes of zombies and mutant creatures.
P/s: Like playing game ha... Nice graphic.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
~ The Vow..~
I'm still remember this movie.
Starring by Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams.
It's love story movie.
Paige Collins (Rachel McAdams) and her husband Leo (Channing Tatum) come out of a movie theater. On their way home, at a stop sign, Paige unbuckles her seatbelt to lean over and kiss Leo. At that very moment, a truck rams their car from behind and Paige crashes through the windshield. Both of them are rushed to the emergency room, and as Leo, in a voice-over talks about how "moments of impact help in finding who we are" the movie cuts to how Paige and Leo first met. The scenes of how they courted, proposed and married are interwoven with the present.
When Paige regains consciousness, she thinks Leo is her doctor, having lost all memories of the past few years. When her parents, Bill and Rita Thornton, learn about this and visit her, it is the first time that Leo meets them. Paige does not understand why she left law school, broke her engagement with her previous fiancé, Jeremy, and why she has not been in touch with her family and friends. Her parents insist on taking her home with them and Paige agrees, assuming she might have married Leo for some mutual benefit and seeks evidence for the marriage. Just as she's about to leave, Leo comes running to play her a voice message in which she sounds very happy and romantic. Paige decides to go back with Leo, hoping it will help her regain her lost memory. Paige is welcomed home with a surprise party by her friends, but as she is not able to remember any of them, she finds it overwhelming and bursts out in anger.
The next day Paige ventures out to her regular cafe but does not remember having been there and loses her way back. She calls her mother because she does not know or remember Leo's number. That evening Leo and Paige are invited for dinner by her parents. At the dinner and in the bar later, Leo does not fit in with her family and friends. He persists in his attempts to help her regain her memory, but Paige is more driven to learning why she left law school and broke her engagement to Jeremy. During the course of one encounter with Jeremy, she kisses him. Her doctor advises her to fill the holes in her memory rather than be afraid of her past. With her sister Gwen's wedding approaching, Paige decides to stay with her parents until the wedding. Though Leo asks her out on a date and spends a night with her, the relationship is further strained when Paige's dad tries to persuade Leo to divorce his daughter, and by Leo punching Jeremy for talking about chances to bed his wife.
Paige rejoins law school and Leo signs divorce papers. At a store, she meets an old friend who, unaware of her amnesia, apologizes for having had a relationship with Paige's dad, thus alerting Paige as to why she had left her family. When she confronts her mother about this, Rita tells her that she decided to stay with Bill for all the things he had done right instead of leaving him for one wrong act. Paige then asks Leo why he never told her, and he replies he wanted to earn her love instead of driving her away from her parents. Paige, while in class, starts sketching; thus depicting how she first left law school. She continues her interest in art, eventually returning to sculpting and drawing. Though Jeremy confesses he broke up with his present girlfriend, hoping to be back with her, she turns him down stating she needs to know what life would be without him.
As seasons change, Leo, in a voiceover, talks about "moments of impact and ripple effects where some particles are brought closer and some are spun off into great adventures". Back in her room, Paige finds the menu card on which she had written her wedding vows and is deeply moved. The movie ends with Paige waiting for Leo at their regular Cafe Mnemonic and going with him to try a new place instead of their regular alternative.
Try to watch first and you will know something from here. Yes... It's a good movie for everybody.
What I trying to say, try to understand your partner/ husband/ wife and spent more time with them.
Monday, October 1, 2012
~ Langkawi Island...~
Dah lama tak up date blog.
Tak de idea...
Holiday with Azzy and Jamy on 16-18 Sept 2012.
Cuma x bestnya.. IN demam.. So aktiviti sgt lah terhad..
Insyaallah... Akan g lagi next year ...
If ada rezeki lebih....
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Malaysian Day 16 Sept 2012, Pantai Cenang Langkawi |
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Chocolate Store |
Pulau Beras Basah... Luvly Island
Pulau Tikus
Tasik Dayang Bunting
Gambar IN yang byk dalam nie kot...
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